
お茶をダメにする5つの要素/How to store your Nihoncha?

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How should tea store after it has been opened?

“Store somewhere in Cool, no sun right and keep it in airtight containers.”

What does “Tea goes bad” mean ?
It is a condition in which the taste of the tea has been something bad, the aroma has gone, or the color has turned dark brown.
In the Japanese tea shop industry, we call old tea “Hine-cha”.(ひね茶)

So what can causes your tea goes bad?

(1) High temperature

High temperatures, such as near the heater, can cause the tea to oxidize easily, especially it affect the color. Be careful not to put a tea container close to stove or range, as well as on top or side of refrigerator or microwaves.

(2) Oxygen
Oxygen is also a major enemy for  tea, and if it is left in constant contact with air, it will gradually oxidize and change its taste.  When storing your tea is to minimize its exposure to these elements! There fore we sell our tea in a “vacuum-packed” condition to keep it fresh!

(3) Moisture
Moisture turns everything taste, smell, and color worse.
For example, the tea leaves will become moist due to the temperature difference between the outside air and the inside of the refrigerator if you immediately open a tea package which has been stored on. So after taking the tea out of the refrigerator, let it sit for about 10 minutes until it reaches the same temperature as the outside air before opening it.

(4)Direct sunlight
In fact, not only sunlight, but also fluorescent lamps will break down chlorophyll when exposed to “light”, resulting change a aroma and the color. Do not put the tea leaves in a clear jar or container.

(5) Scent / Odor

Since tea absorbs odors (deodorization), if it is not stored in a tightly sealed container, it will absorb the surrounding odors and make the tea smell bad. if you put a pack of tea with a rubber band or a some clip and put it in the refrigerator to absorb the smell of meat,, fish,, so easily. that is so terrible. On the other hand, it can be use the deodorizing effect of tea, and use the dried tea husk as a deodorant.

Basically, tea can be “stored at room temperature,” but you may have heard that storage is better in the refrigerator or freezer. But only unopened tea is good for storage in the refrigerator or freezer. It is not recommended for tea after opening. For long-term storage of unopened tea, place in the freezer.

We suggest that buy small amount of tea as enough to use it up in about a month! Drink it up before it gets worse and buy fresh tea again.

We sells tea from 50g increments, so please bring your own tea can or containers. (Please note that some products cannot be sold in quantity)

Do Smart shopping!!


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  1. 2024.07.1
