
お茶専門店が急須でいれるお茶を飲もう!!        8の日マイボトルで給茶スポット無料キャンペーンやります!

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狭山園の 給茶スポット ご存じですか? 🍵

狭山園は「 店からなるべくゴミを出さずにおいしいお茶を飲んでもらう 」お茶屋です。そこでお客様にマイボトル(水筒やタンブラー)をご持参いただき、急須で当店こだわりのお茶を一杯づつ丁寧に入れています。












Did you know that we have a tea refill  service for your own drink-bottle?#KYUCHASPOT

Always better things as little waste as possible. We do not have cafeteria space though we offer a tea refill service instead for your their own bottles (water bottles or tumblers) and we carefully brew tea with kyusu teapot! No doubt that the real tea taste far from bottled green tea at supermarket..
Would you want to try this #kyuchaSPOT ?  So here great news for you, we will be serving free #KyuchaSpot days at January 28, February 8, 18, and 28!  March 8, 18 !

Please take this opportunity to bring your own bottle and try our special Sencha green tea!

※We held under thorough infection prevent covid-19  and hygiene control.

※Please bring your bottles washed well. We will be serving hot tea, so a heat-resistant bottles are required. we will not be able to serve tea If you do not bring any bottles in terms of our Kyucha policy.

※The tea service is available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Limited One bottle of tea per person or per family and per day.

※Only “Today’s Sencha” is available to serve. We will be served about 360ml of hot Sencha.

※No reservation is required but please contact us if you have any questions.

#Ecofriendly #SDGs #エコにお茶を飲もう #ZEROWASTEACTION #マイボトル #エコなお茶屋 #リサイクル #キャッシュレス対応してます

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