\ 狭山園・店内日本茶ワークショップ再開!少人数・感染対策の上、開催いたします!4月のテーマは「抹茶」。皆様のご参加お待ちしています!/
抹茶ドリンクや抹茶スイーツは好きだけど、自分で抹茶を点てて飲むのは何だか難しそう。 と思ってませんか?
お家で簡単に抹茶を点てて飲むなら難しい作法は必要ありません。いつものお茶やコーヒーと同じように気軽に「抹茶でティータイム」を楽しんでみましょう! そのまま飲んでうまみたっぷりの「デミタス抹茶」、ミルクでアレンジ抹茶ラテもアイス抹茶ソーダもお家で気軽に楽しめます。🍵
①抹茶とは何? 抹茶の栽培から私たちが飲む抹茶になるまで。
②抹茶の品質について。 抹茶と粉末緑茶の違い、そして抹茶独特の味や香りの特徴について。
③抹茶の点て方/おいしく飲む方法(カジュアルに点ててみましょう) 茶筅を使う方法と、ボトルを使う方法の2パターン
【開催日時/Event dates】
4日(日) | 11日(日) | 14日(水) | 17日(土) | 20日(火) | 25日(日) | 27日(火) | |
10am-11am | ● | ✖ | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● |
2pm-3pm | ● | ● | ✖ | ● | ● | ✖ | ● |
お一人様: 3,500円 (茶筅と抹茶30g付き 体験で使った道具と抹茶はそのままお持ち帰りいただけます)
コンタクトフォーム にて、「4月の抹茶ワークショップ参加申し込み」とご記入の上、参加日時のご希望日、参加者様のお名前、人数、携帯電話など連絡先をご記入の上お申し込みください。狭山園で確認後、お申込み確認済みのメールを送らせていただいた時点で予約確定となります。
※その他質問やお問い合わせは、狭山園店頭、電話042-527-0147、 からもお気軽にどうぞ! (^O^)v
① 参加人数制限 各回 1組限定(個人参加、友人同士、家族で、など最大3名まで)
② 店内での換気・除菌・マスク着用を励行、ソーシャルディスタンスを確保しワークショップを行います。ご協力をお願いいたします。
Sayamaen Japanese tea hands-on workshop in April!English and Spanish are avalible!
What can be experienced in this program?
【I will teach you the following】
①What is Matcha?
Introduce the process from cultivation of matcha to the matcha we drink with pictures.
②The quality of Matcha
The difference between matcha and powdered green tea, and the characteristics of matcha taste and aroma.
③How to prepare a cup of Matcha and how to drink it?
Lets practice together how to make Matcha using a tea whisk or a easy-way on drink-bottle.
④How to make matcha drinks (matcha soda,Matcha latte etc.)
The wonderful health benefits of matcha.
★You will be able to do the following
You will be able to choose matcha based on your own preference and use, instead of just buying it based on price or packaging.
Learn how to make matcha and enjoy it more in daily life.
★This is how we teach it.
We will show you how to make matcha from various angles. I will also teach you how to use and take care of the utensils.
Anyway, as long as you can try and enjoy matcha together, it’s OK!
【Participation fee】3,500yen per person (Tasting and 30g Matcha and Chasen included)
【Event Date】See the table above for dates and times.
Contact us at Contact form and provide your preferred date and time to participate, names of participants, number of participants(up to 3people) , and contact information such as cell phone. Your reservation will be confirmed when we send you an email confirming your application.(※Online session is available! Please contact us)
If you have any questions or requests, don’t hesitate please also contact us!
In order to prevent of the covid infection, the following restrictions will be imposed on the event. 🌟🌟
1) Limitation on the number of participants: up to 3 people.
2) We will conduct the workshop with ventilation, sterilization, wearing masks, and social distance in the store. We ask for your cooperation.
★Tea utensils used through this workshop will be prepared exclusively for the participants.
★Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will be closed when we reach capacity.
★We are availvle online Japanese tea workshop. To Online Japanese Tea Workshop page LINK