
【2020年 新茶発売に関するおしらせ / Announcement: About Up coming Shincha Sales 】

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毎年5月の新茶売り出しスタートに開催している「狭山園 新茶市」ですが、今年はコロナウイルス感染拡大や外出自粛要請などもあり、特定の日の新茶売り出しセールは行いません。5月八十八夜過ぎころから、徐々に店頭に新茶が並び始めますので、ご自宅用、進物用配送などにご利用ください。

☆予約限定商品の新茶予約は4月24(金)までです。電話042-527-0146、オンラインフォームからご予約いただけます。 https://sayamaen-japanesetea.com/1087/






#2020新茶 #慌てず焦らず必要なものだけお買い物 #おうちで新茶のもう #狭山園新茶

Announcement: About Up coming Shincha Sales

We held a New harvested Shincha Sale in May at every year, however due to the continued effects of the corona virus and the need for people to refrain from going out, we decided to not be holding a Shincha start sales day on any particular day.

But still we stay open our store and our Shincha will be available in stores as soon as it arrives from Shizuoka and Saitama after 1 /May.

We will post updates information on our website, Facebook and Instagram.

If you are a first time to shop at Sayamaen, also we offer purchasing our products via our online shop. We will be on list shincha products when we ready to start to sell. https://sayamaen.theshop.jp/ ※Domestic delivery only.

Feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries.

Take your time and shop only for what you need!
Please take care of yourself, your family and community.

All our best,
Sayamaen Japanese tea store.

#stayhome #enjoyyourshinchaathome


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  1. 2024.10.1
