狭山園の 特別栽培茶ひより や、ふりふり抹茶 すっぴんちゃん の生産地、静岡県の掛川市では静岡県の中でも特に長寿の方が多く、掛川ならではの蒸し時間が長い「深蒸し茶」を淹れて、湯のみの底の粉までゴクゴク飲み干すのがポイントだということです。
Tea catechins are main components of astringency of tea which have powerful bactericidal action and serves a protective function from bacteria.
Kakegawa city in Shizuoka is such a famous place of major produced deep-steamed Fukamushi sencha.
Especiallly this Fukamushi sencha is manufactured to reduced complexion of pectin (complex polysaccharide contained in cell walls and middle leaves) and catechin by steaming raw tea medicine for a long time. doing. Viruses can’t grow on their own, so they need to parasitize our cells. There are protruding proteins (spikes) on the virus surface, which are used to infect cells such as the throat. Catechin is said to attach to these spikes and prevent the virus from adsorbing to cells and the spread of newly created viruses within infected cells. Catechin may act as a barrier to reduce contact.