【時間】 ⌚ 60分間 (Zoomを使用して行います ※内容により時間は変更することがあります)
💻📱 パソコン、スマートフォンやタブレットから参加できます。
【対応言語】🌎 日本語・英語・スペイン語
【①基本のお茶の淹れ方 ー 急須で煎茶を淹れる ー】
【②抹茶をおうちで楽しもう ー茶筅と抹茶付きー】
【開催日】: 事前予約リクエスト制です。木曜を除く平日・土日の午前9時~午後7時で開催可能です。
【用意していただくもの】: インターネットに接続済みのパソコンやスマートフォンなど。自宅で使っている急須、お湯、カップなどお茶を淹れる道具、狭山園から届くお茶。(急須をお持ちでない場合は、有料にてお茶と一緒にお送りすることもできますのでコンタクトフォームにてご連絡ください)
○煎茶コース : 一名様 4,500円(淹れ方体験に使うお茶セット代と送料が含まれます)
○抹茶コース : 一名様 7,500円 (淹れ方体験に使う抹茶30gと茶筅代と送料が含まれます)
★現在、ストアカサイトにて【オンライン・鑑定用のお茶付き】日本茶の鑑定体験ワークショップ を開催しています。こちらの講座の詳細•日程は、ストアカサイトの狭山園のページよりご確認ください。(リンクをクリックすると外部ページに飛びます)→ ストアカとは?
1. 申し込みの流れ
①お申し込み者様のお名前 ②希望のオンラインワークショップの日時を第3希望まで ③事前に聞きたい質問や、リクエストなど(例・親子で参加したい、英語やスペイン語でワークショップを体験したいなど。*内容によりご希望にお応えできない場合もありますのでご了承ください)
狭山園3代目代表取締役 池谷香代子(いけや かよこ)
日本茶インストラクター協会認定日本茶インストラクター22期生、日本茶日本茶輸出促進協議会 委嘱2018年~2022年度コロンビア日本茶大使。
2012年~2013年カナダ・モントリオール市のお茶専門店TEAVANAの店頭でティーアドバイザーとして勤務。2014年より南米コロンビアへ移住。現地のコロンビア人を対象に日本茶の販売及び普及活動を開始。2017年南米コロンビアにてSayamaen Japanese tea S.A.S を起業。現地の教育機関や在コロンビア日本大使館と協力しなから、狭山園の商品の販売及び日本茶セミナーやワークショップを開催。
🍵 Join our Nihon-cha Online tasting workshop! 🍃
If you currently live in Japan then you can book an online Japanese tea tasting workshop with us❕(★This Online workshop available for Residents in Japan only★)
※Taking the Online Japanese tea experience in Airbnb if live in overseas countries!
It is great opportunity to learn how to prepare a Japanese Sencha green tea properly in English or Spanish.
You are not required an experienced tea person at all. We are welcome anyone who can connect on Internet, also have a Kyusu teapot at your home and of course you should be a Japanese tea lover!
In case you don’t have a any Japanese kyusu, you can still brew Japanese tea through a some tea strainer and other teapot. We will be happy to assist you in advance. Please let us know!)
~Our Online Nihon-cha tasting Workshop Flow~
★The workshop will take 60 mins through Zoom★
【What you can learn 】
◉Hands-on Online Sencha Lesson course
①How to choose your “Japanese Tea”(Quality, variety, charactaristics..) ②How to brew a perfect Sencha green tea ③How to enjoy tea with different brewing methods in different seasons and daily scenes.
The Sencha lesson includes 30g each- 3types Japanese green tea.(Loose tea leafs)
🍃Sayama Sencha from Iruma city Saitama 🍃Pesticide-free organic Fukamushi deep steamed Sencha from Shizuoka 🍃Kyusu,Shikoku,Shizuoka areas Blended Sencha
FYI → https://sayamaen-japanesetea.com/sp/products/
◉Hands-on Online Matcha Lesson course
1) How is Matcha produced and processed? (2) The quality of Matcha (3) How to prepare basic cup of Matcha (Lets practice with Chasen) (4) How to store Matcha (5) Recipes for Matcha drinks!
The Matcha lesson includes Chasen and 30g tea ceremony grade Matcha
【Dates】: As your request, The online lesson is Available -Everyday 9am-7pm, except Thursdays.
【What you will need 】: A computer or smartphone with internet access. Kyusu Teapot, hot water, cups, tea spoon for practice.
【Participation Fee】:
◉Sencha lesson- 4,500 Yen (includes Sencha loose tea leaves packs and sending coast in the workshop session)
◉Matcha Lesson- 7,500yen (includes Chasen, Matcha and sending cost)
【Registration for your workshop】: Click on the green “Application form” below. Then Select the lessons(Sencha workshop or Matcha wprkshop) you’d like to learn as blew. (* This workshop is only available to residents of Japan due to delivery of materials)
※Please fill in the following information in the “Notes” column:
(1) Name of the applicant
(2) 2 or 3 options at Dates and times of your preferred taking online workshop
(3) Any questions or requests you would like to ask in advance (e.g., workshop in English or Spanish, etc.). (Please note that we may not be able to respond to your request depending on the content of your request.)
🌟Let’s try Japanese tea brewing flow and taste the tea actually via online workshop with us. We will show you tips on how to brew each type of tea according to its characteristics especially enjoy the uniqueness the Sencha taste of differences by region of origin . You can ask any questions about the Japanese tea during the workshop❕🍵😊
Don’t hesitate to email us if you have any questions or requests! ✉ippuku@sayamaen-japanesetea.com
【Who going to hold in this workshop?】
Hi, I am a Japanese tea workshop organizer Kayoko at Sayamaen Tea store!
I am a certified Japanese tea instructor by the Japanese tea instructor association in Japan. (Also Japan tea Goodwill ambassador in Colombia since 2018 to 2022). My grandfather established our Japanese tea store Sayamaen at Tachikawa city in Tokyo 69 years ago. Last year our tea shop was renovated and I took over as a third generation at Sayamaen.
I lived in U.S, Canada and Colombia over 6years for tea business. The purpose of organizing the tea workshops is make people enjoy with Japanese tea and make use of more tea in life also transmitting a heart of Japanese hospitality to everyone who want to know and loves Nihon-Cha! I am looking forward to seeing you. I would love to share my passion of TEA! English and Spanish tea workshops are available!