

せっかく毎日使うものなら、使いやすいものを選びましょう。✨ 左利きさんの初めての急須デビューにもおすすめ。お子さんやお友達へのプレゼントにも🎁どうぞ。
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こんな急須もあります→ 茶こし付ふたなし急須
We have a Tokonameyaki left-handed Kyusu.
The left-handed kyusu also has a fine mesh-filter for deep steaming fukamushi type Sencha. As the filter can be replaced, so you can use it for a long time as it takes care and maintaining.
Something that you use every day, choose one that’s easy to use. ✨ If you are refty and Japanese tea beginner why not get this as your first kyusu? Sure it is much easier to use..
It is said that It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience to find a kyusu that’s just right for you.