日本茶茶輸出促進協議会嘱託、日本茶インストラクター協会任命のもと、海外での日本茶の正しい知識を普及し、関心を高めることを目的として、狭山園取締役代表 池谷香代子は南米唯一の日本茶大使として2018年よりコロンビアの首都のボゴタ市を中心に、メデジン市、カリ市などの大学や教育機関、在コロンビア日本大使館、日本語アカデミーや日本文化活動団体、現地のティーショップやレストラン、一般企業など様々な形態で、主に現地のコロンビア人の方々を対象に日本茶の普及活動を行っています。
日本茶輸出促進協議会リンク http://www.nihon-cha.or.jp/export/ambassador/index.html
As the only “Japan tea Goodwill ambassador” in South America area, Kayoko Ikeya of President of Sayamaen Japanese tea l,t,d., has been promoting Japanese tea mainly to local Colombians in Bogota, the capital of Colombia, since 2017, Japanese tea promoting activities take place such as in universities and educational institutions in the cities of Medellin and Cali, Japanese embassy in Colombia, Japanese language academies and Japanese cultural activities organizations, local tea shops and restaurants, and general businesses etc.
The Japan Tea Goodwill Ambassadors are commissioned by the Japan Tea Export Promotion Council and appointed by the Japan Tea Instructors Association, with the aim of spreading correct knowledge and raising awareness of Japanese tea abroad.
The activity in Japan as well, her experience in the Japanese tea business and the promotion of Japanese tea in Colombia to conduct Japanese tea workshops in Spanish and English for foreign residents and visitors from abroad.