二番目に「茶殻の詰まりにくいかどうか」 急須の中の茶こし部分の形状や素材によって、中で葉が詰まってお茶の浸出液がでにくいこともあります。茶こしの部分が陶器製の急須は、葉がしっかりとよりがかかっていて針のような形状の煎茶を淹れるのは問題ありませんが、深蒸し茶などの細かい葉のお茶にはちょっと不向きです。
狭山園がおすすめするのは、急須のなかでしっかり葉が広がって、茶こし部分で茶が詰まりにくく、持ちやすくて、軽い、そして茶殻も捨てやすい、「常滑焼 帯網茶漉し付き急須」です。深蒸し茶のような葉っぱが細かいタイプの煎茶も(もちろん普通の煎茶も)、急須の内側に貼り付けてある細かい目のフィルターのおかげで、細かい葉が湯呑の中に出ずらく、急須の中で葉が十分ひらくスペースもあります。ふたもぴったりできるので最後のゴールデンドロップまでしっかりと注ぎきれます。
When you choose a kyusu, what should you look for? Design? Color? Material? Weight?
Firstly, Think “How much ease to handle”. Even if the kyusu looks the same, the angle and length of the handle, as well as the weight, can be different from what you were expecting. you may drop it or find it difficult to brew tea, if you don’t feel comfortable to hold it. No matter how nice it looks, so be careful. So We always recommend that you try holding a kyusu in your own hands when selecting one.
Also tea leaves need to have enough space to open for release its ingredients, color, aroma, and flavor in the hot water. When you remove the lid of kyusu and look inside while brewing a cup of tea, you will find the leaves gradually open up.
Sayamaen we recommend the “Obiami chakoshit Kyusu”. Thanks to this fine filter (帯網)attached to the inside of the teapot, small leaves doesn’t come out to a teacup and needless to say there is enough space for leaves to open up inside the teapot, even if it is a type of deep steamed Fukamushi sencha. The lid is also tight-fit , so you can pour it all the way to the last golden drop.
取り外しができる網帯茶漉し くるっとOBIX ←清潔キレイなくるっとOBIX急須も人気です。
Kyusu, teapot, tea strainer, tea bag, etc… There are many options for brewing tea, but no matter how good quality the tea you have, if the brewing method and tools are not appropriate, the taste of the tea would be ruined. Sayamaen offer a wide range of teapots to enjoy the best flavor and aroma of Fukamushicha to Standard type sencha. Prices start in the 1,000 yen range, so it’s a good place to start if you’re purchase a kyusu for the first time. There are a lot of different designs, and colors, but try to choose one that fits well with your hand.
Enjoy your Nihoncha with best your kyusu!🍵
当店では帯網茶漉しの交換も行っております。→ https://sayamaen-japanesetea.com/815/